

Lauren Froeb

I have taught vinyasa style yoga classes since 2007 after completing my 200hr Yoga Training through Prana Power Yoga. In 2008 I completed my level one Reiki certification with Jené Rossi. In 2010 I completed my level two Reiki certification with Jené Rossi.  In 2012 I joined the faculty and began teaching the Prana Power Yoga Teacher Training, with a focus on Chakras, Yoga Philosophy & History and Sanskrit. In 2018 I completed my 500hr training with Jacqui Bonwell as well as a certification in Yin Yoga & Meditation and Yoga Nidra with Sagel Urlacher and a Level 1 Balanced Athlete training with Johnny Gillespie.

I love to use movement as a way to feel more connected and align my body, mind and spirit. The physical asana practice offers all of us space and structure that allows time for self-inquiry as well as the opportunity to strengthen ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. My intention for the classes I teach is that I offer you time for self reflection and personal commitment while balancing smart functional movement, physical challenge and ease. You will finish my vinyasa classes feeling invigorated and inspired to begin or finish your day with a sense of purpose in your heart, physical ease in your body and clarity in your mind. You will finish my yin and meditation classes with a feeling of rejuvenation and ease.  Regardless of vinyasa or yin style, I truly believe that our mats are a place where we carve out time to rest, reorganize, restore & reset ourselves. I cannot wait to practice with you! 

Courtney Walsh

I found yoga back in 2003. I was an avid long distance runner who often had to take time off because of injuries. I thought I would give yoga a shot while I was unable to run. In the beginning I went to yoga classes for the physical aspects of the practice. Over time I found that I kept coming back to my mat for more than just the physical part of the practice but more for the calming and grounding feeling that I got each time I showed up. Through my experiences I hope to bring my students both a challenge for their body but also the feeling of leaving our practice more grounded and with a clearer mind.

My love for yoga eventually led me to the Barre. Barre is a great compliment to the yoga practice. When you leave Barre you feel strong and toned. The small movements and lighter weights make the class accessible to many different fitness levels, from the avid fitness person to someone who is just coming back to working out. If you are looking for a new workout routine or to add something new out give Barre a try!! It is challenging and rewarding at the same time. See you at the Barre!

Ewa Mozdyniewicz

Ewa grew up in Poland and after High School came to the USA, where she graduated with Bachelors in Psychology and worked in mental health.
Her passion for health and some injuries guided Ewa to yoga and since day one she noticed the benefits, beyond physical. After completing a few Yoga Teacher trainings and overcoming her fear of speaking in front of people she decided to share the knowledge and magic of yoga with others. As a teacher she equally loves the energy of group classes and giving that 1:1 attention during private sessions. Always craving to learn more about health, Ewa is in the process of becoming a certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
While teaching yoga Ewa offers space to explore functional movement, mobility, strength as well as stillness, mindfulness and breath. With her authentic Polish heart and accent Ewa always encourages curiosity, kindness, and support, on and off the mat.

Sidone Blackett

Sidonie is a certified RYT teacher, trained in power vinyasa by Baron Baptiste. She has attended trainings with Kevan Gale and Seane Corn, among others. Her approach to yoga is one of simplicity… let the body be the guide and pay attention to where the body (and mind) is today… not yesterday. Her classes begin with heating sun salutations, followed by a sequence that allows the student to move into deeper postures. Her classes offer a strong physical practice, but are also nurturing. Students are encouraged to move at their own pace and skip vinyasas at any time. Sidonie encourages students to take their practice off the mat, bringing balance and breath into their daily lives. She teaches with a pure intention and hopes that her students feel supported, and as if they have practiced what she calls “radical self-care”. Sidonie is currently working on her 500-hour certification at the Kripalu School of Yoga.

Talene McCarthy

Talene McCarthy found fitness to be a way to remedy scoliosis related back issues in her adolescent years. That awareness of her body grew into a way to reduce physical and mental stress with outlets such as body strengthening, circuit and weight training, kickboxing and cardio classes. Ultimately her need for more mental release drew her to power yoga. With 20 years of experience to draw from, she became a certified and registered RYT 200 Yoga Alliance instructor. Her path then led her to LPY’s Barre&Soul classes which provided the perfect blend of fitness training and yoga. Talene trained in the Lotte Berk barre method and now hopes to bring a fun, energetic and invigorating sequence, focusing on alignment and purposeful movement for people of all ages and capabilities. Talene's teaching style helps to guide students with modifications and alignment instructions to nurture students in a supportive and soothing environment. Talene has found yoga and barre to be a way of life to keep her balanced both physically and mentally. She hopes to inspire others to move towards deeper levels of physical fitness while developing mind-body connections through explorations of their potentials in a safe and non-judgmental manner.

Jen Geller

A competitive athlete and distance runner for many years, a severe hamstring injury brought Jen to her mat many years ago. Jen is a physical therapist and has specialized in orthopedics, obstetrics, and nonconventional therapies such as myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. After working as a PT for more than twenty years, Jen made the leap into teacher training here at Lexington Power Yoga. Through this transformative journey, Jen realized that teaching yoga was now her path and her passion- wanting to share the benefits of yoga with as many people as possible.

Jen’s classes are safe, thoughtful, and balanced with attention to alignment and proper body mechanics. Jen’s makes her classes accessible to all levels of yoga practitioners, creating space and encouraging students to move in a way that suits them at that moment. Jen is a strong believer in the mind-body connection. Her goal for every class is to help people experience how yoga can calm the body and bring clarity to the mind and that we can take that peace with us as we navigate through our day to day lives.

Drawing on her knowledge of anatomy, Jen is proudly a member of the teacher training staff here at LPY. Please feel free to reach out before or after class if you have any specific questions, are working with any injuries, or if something doesn’t feel quite right.

Mallory Kelts

Like many of us, yoga shifted my life in ways I could not have imagined. I have practiced yoga on and off in my life since my twenties, but it wasn’t until 2012, when I gave birth to my triplet boys, that I returned to yoga for not just the physical aspect, but for the space for breathe, cultivate clarity, and time for self-love! I needed some ME time!  This time around I noticed how my yoga experience was evolving and inspiring me to dig deeper within myself and within my practice. I discovered that I had been living with a lot of anxiety and fear, and through yoga I started to feel in my skin, as well as a sense of self-compassion and self-acceptance. As I continue to dig deeper, all of the parts of me connect and make sense.

I decided to enroll in my 200 hr yoga teacher training, and it was by far one of the best choices I have ever made. I am so grateful that somehow all of the choices in my life led me to this place where I get to do what I love and I get to bring something positive into the lives of others on a daily basis. I hope to provide a space for others to feel the way my practice has made me feel: supported, nurtured, challenged, empowered, and confident!

Kimberly Fife


Kids, Teens & Family Instructor

Yoga was first introduced to me by a dance teacher at Dean College while completing my BA in Musical Theatre. While working as a performer, yoga always helped me to stay grounded and connected to my true self. 

Like many others, I started with Asana practice, but it was when I dove into meditation and attention to breath that my yoga became much deeper. I discovered the mental space to become a better problem solver, listener, communicator, student, and teacher. While pursuing theatre, I taught acting, music, and dance classes to children. In the mists of falling in love with yoga, I also fell in love with teaching. 

After cracking open a truth telling fortune cookie one day, I knew it was time to pursue yoga and mindfulness professionally. I completed my 200hr RYT at Kriplau School of Yoga in 2016 and my 95 hr RCYT (registered children’s yoga teacher), in 2019 with Wee Yogis in San Francisco. Along the way, I’ve also trained in Reiki with Libby Barnet, Yoga for Babies and Toddlers with Childlight Yoga, and Meditation and Mindfulness for Children with Kidpowerment Yoga. 

I absolutely love the variety and excitement of teaching for all ages! Each class from parent and baby, to kids, to teen, to adults, has its own special energy. No matter how old the students are, all of my classes emphasize self love and self observation without judgment! When someone is showing themselves love and care, that love is what reflects back out to the world! In my classes, you will find a focus on spirituality, creativity, and the freedom to explore and express your unique self! 

As my personal practice grows, I continue to grow awareness of my feelings, sensations, empathy towards others, and my connection to the magic of the Earth. I’ve been able to combine my passions of music, dance, and yoga by wrapping creative movement, singing, and chanting into meditative experiences. I am continually cultivating a stronger access to my intuition and creativity. This has guided me to create new art and projects that I am passionate about, and the confidence to share them with the world! 

Visit littletribeyoga.org to check out my original kids yoga music and guide book for parents and teachers to go along with it: Little Tribe Yoga Flow-along! You can also check out dates for upcoming workshops and Live music Yoga classes! Hope to see you on the mat! 

Allison Burke

Yoga has opened me up physically, mentally and spiritually.  Yoga has taught me to slow down, to listen better, to feel and to connect with myself in an honest way.  My practice has helped me form a much healthier relationship with my body and my world around me.  

When my world feels like it’s upside down and life is overwhelming, my practice is a steady foundation to keep me grounded and remind me of my inner strength and to take things one breath at a time. 

In my classes, I aim to lead students through a sequence that creates a sense of balance. Life can be hectic and complicated- your yoga practice can be the opposite.  I believe there is power in slowing down, paying attention, and moving deliberately.  By connecting physically to postures that encourage stability, strength, and fluidity,  I hope to create an experience that leaves students feeling more free and at ease in their body, mind, and heart. 
I try to empower students to get curious and explore what works best for them.  Yoga is not meant as a one-size-fits-all practice, it’s not about nailing fancy arm balances or touching your toes. It’s about showing up, understanding our own unique needs and learning to accept ourselves as is- no fixing necessary. 

My teaching is heavily influenced by my studies in Ayurveda, Yin Yoga, and by trainings completed with some amazing yoga teachers I’ve discovered along the way: Lorraine Shedoudi, Maybelle Rountree, Jacqui Bonwell, Alex Amorosi, Chanel Luck, and Josh Summers.

Self-proclaimed training junkie, Allison received her 200hr yoga training through Prana Power Yoga in 2012.  She is Reiki-2 attuned under the guidance of Lorraine Shedoudi.  She completed a 650-hr training as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor through Kripalu School of Ayurveda in 2017, and is currently working on a 300-hr Yin Yoga Training through Summers School of Yin Yoga.

Joanne Carlisle


For years I believed that yoga was not for me... I was always running from one thing to the next - school, work, time with friends and family, the gym, etc. and my workouts reflected that frenetic pace. I was happy and active and stimulated on the outside, but found that I was craving more stability, more time to just be calm and mellow on the inside. It was through this craving that I found my way to my mat.

I began practicing yoga twelve years ago and finally decided to enroll in a teacher-training program in March of 2014. I received my 200-hour certification through Lexington Power Yoga in November of that year. I continue to be guided and mentored by many of the teachers who initially 'trained' me - Lorraine Shedoudi, Tina Adinou, Linda Spolidoro, Michael Mann, and then others whom I've been lucky enough to meet since like Jen Murray and Alyssa Hale... I have found though that as I continue to teach and connect my life on and off the mat, that most of what I learn comes from the students who share space with me in the studio - whether I'm teaching or practicing.

My practice tends to directly reflect my desire to slow things down. I am trying to find that balance always - of being internally grounded and still yet fluid and engaged. Each day on my mat is different; each moment is a chance to start over and work on everything or on nothing. It is this freedom to just, ‘be’ whatever it is that I need, in that particular moment, that I have found through yoga.

I have been a teacher in Boston Public Schools for seventeen years and presently teach Grade 5. I love my job and even more than that, I love my students. I wish for them each-and-every day the same things that I wish for my daughter – to be happy and healthy, confident and kind. This is what I hope to bring into the studio, whether I am practicing myself or teaching. Learning to show ourselves compassion and forgiveness is perhaps the greatest shift I have made and I am grateful to my practice for guiding me to this place.

Amanda Califano


Yoga found me in 2003, during my first year of law school, when I was in desperate need of some calm and inner peace. My journey began with an 8-week introductory Hatha course and has led me through the doors of numerous studios to explore some of the many styles of yoga being taught today. Yoga has completely transformed my body, my mind, and my life. It challenges and opens my mind, heart, and soul on a daily basis and reminds me that I can rely on my self and my breath to carry me through anything!

This practice has furthered my faith in the power of intention and positive thinking and constantly reminds me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment and that every breath has infinite potential. In fact, I’ve recently said good-bye to a full-time legal career in order to pursue this passion, and now I end each day feeling so unbelievably fulfilled. I truly feel so blessed to have the opportunity to pursue my passion wholeheartedly and am so grateful for all of you who have welcomed me into your lives.

Yoga is so much more than what you do on your mat – it’s how you live, it’s what you share with others, it’s when you wake up one day feeling more aware, more patient, more alive. I am deeply inspired by my amazing teachers and I strive to support others as they find their own inspiration, explore their own yoga experiences, and grow and transform both on and off the mat. While I am so thankful for the ability to share my experiences and guide others through pranayama, asana, and meditation, I absolutely believe that we are our own greatest teachers.

I believe in finding a balance between challenging your mind and body, playing with your edge, and finding space and serenity on your mat. In my class, expect to be physically challenged, mentally relaxed, and encouraged to find some lightness and playfulness in your practice! I am also Reiki Level 1 certified and I love assisting with the help of soothing lavender oil in savasana!

As a Lululemon Ambassador, I appreciate every opportunity to participate in community events and share the spirit of yoga with others. I teach workshops on a regular basis and am available for private and semi-private classes.

When I'm not at the studio, I can be found spending time with friends and family in Boston and New York and spoiling my 5lb pup, Toby!

Brittney Burgess


With a Masters Degree in Sport & Performance Psychology and Mental Health & Behavioral Medicine, Brittney brings an unparalleled understanding of the mind body connection to all of her teachings. She artfully integrates a lens of healing and mental well-being into all of her classes, seasonal workshops and retreats. Her flows challenge as her words soothe and students are left with an experience that is both incredibly renewing and empowering.

During her years as a therapist, Brittney worked with individuals with significant trauma histories, anxiety, depression and other mental health struggles. It was during this time that she discovered the safe, healing, grounding gift of yoga. From this belief that yoga heals, Brittney completed 200 and 300 hour yoga trainings from Baron Baptiste and Jacqui Bonwell, along with extensive training in both Trauma-Sensitive Yoga with David Emerson of the Trauma Center and Yoga for Emotional Health & Healing with Kate Graham.

In her sport psychology work with professional, collegiate and high school athletes, Brittney trained athletes to harness the power of the mind, and now guides students toward this same powerful presence through the physicality of their yoga practice.

Brittney is passionate about sharing the gifts of yoga in a way that feels accessible to every person. She invites students to show up to class exactly as they are and to trust that they have tremendous purpose, courage and support within. Her classes will both challenge you and hold a space for you to breathe, explore, empower and ultimately walk out of class with mind, body and heart in alignment.

Outside of the studio, Brittney has two young daughters, writes, loves time in nature and is on a journey to heal from autoimmune diseases. She seeks to create a community of joy and love, and is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to do this as both teacher and student through this transformative practice.

Linda Spolidoro


Having spent much of my early years feeling inadequate privately, acting out publicly, and generally doing the exact opposite of anything that would have made my life easier, I came to the logical conclusion that I had been born on the wrong planet. I just couldn’t figure out where it was I fit and what it was I had to offer (talk about existential angst).

I had no idea that when I walked into my first yoga class a few years back, I was hot on the heels of discovering my home planet. Yoga has allowed me the ability, the confidence, and the nonjudgmental freedom to embrace my uniqueness (unique being code for weird) with compassion, gratitude, and most importantly, unadulterated joy. It has given me the physical outlet that I crave (it’s a great work-out), the spiritual connection to something beyond my intellect (think String Theory), and it has introduced me to the most loving, creative, and compassionate community anywhere on this or any planet. Simply put, Yoga for me has softened the voices of self doubt that were once constant companions and amplified the beautiful Song of the Universe that had been there all along.

Mandy Schwartz


What I love about yoga is that it works – no exceptions. All you have to do is show up and breathe, then sit back and watch your life transform. I fell in love with yoga right away, and looking back I can see how fast my life began to shift – big shifts for the world to see and internal shifts that really have been much bigger.

I completed teacher training through Prana Power Yoga and began teaching just four days later. In the years that followed I attended many further trainings and workshops and feel blessed to learn from so many amazing teachers. I have trained in assisting with Sue Jones & Ray Mucci, anatomy with Ellen Heed, Yin Yoga with Josh Summers, and kids yoga with Lisa Flynn. I am also a level 1 Reiki practitioner under Jene’ Rossi. I continue to stay committed to learning and growing as a yoga teacher and student.

I aspire to teach the kind of class that I love to take: balanced, challenging, fun, and fluid, with a whole lot of space to find your own way. Creating a strong flow is one of my absolute favorite parts of teaching yoga. I also love teaching to music and thoroughly enjoy creating playlists that I hope enhance the students’ experience without distracting from breath.

Mostly, I strive to take this journey one step a time, soaking up as much as I can. Bob Dylan said,“we have never arrived, we are in a constant state of becoming.” Yoga teaches me to live slow and never stop becoming.

Molly Powers


By popular demand, Molly is back teaching her vibrant brand of power Vinyasa yoga. Molly has been an instructor for nine years - training with Rolf Gates, Todd Norian, and Anne Greene - and her work at Lexington Power Yoga marks her return to teaching after a year spent focusing on her other healing arts. With her wit and warmth, Molly has built up devoted followings around Boston and in New York City.

Molly welcomes students of all levels to her class. She offers a lot of personal attention to make sure that her challenging and powerful flow will energize and uplift - bringing healing to your body and your spirit.

Molly is also the sole owner of Powers of Healing (www.powersofhealing.com), where she works with individuals and groups as a psychic medium and a Reiki Master.

Tina Adoniou

Tina first stepped into a yoga studio in 1999 on the urging of a friend. She soon found that the union of body and mind, movement and breath is what keeps her grounded. Yoga has done more for her than she could have ever anticipated. It's helped her manage the stress of managing large teams in corporate jobs for the past 10+ years, navigate through the grief of the sudden death of her father and also through her kidney donation to her cousin in 2010 - both in mentally and physically preparing her for major surgery and in recovering from it. The yoga practice plays a key role in her life in keeping her smiling and strong and supportive to those around her.

She went back to her very first teacher, Rolf Gates, for her 200 hour Vinyasa Teacher Training, and now has the honor of being his teaching assistant for his Boston area 500 hour Advanced Teacher Training. She also completed apprenticeships with Jacqui Bonwell, Chanel Luck and Lorraine Shedoudi and is also greatly influenced by Johnny Gillespie, founder of Empowered Yoga.

In addition to teaching yoga, Tina is also a level 2 reiki practitioner. Everyday life and habits create a lot of stuck energy – mental and physical – and these two healing modalities allow for a great deal of freedom and endless possibilities.

She’s incredibly grateful to be doing this work and relishes everything about it. She’s also thankful to be surrounded by such supportive people who encourage her and keep her going on this path.