
Amanda Califano


Yoga found me in 2003, during my first year of law school, when I was in desperate need of some calm and inner peace. My journey began with an 8-week introductory Hatha course and has led me through the doors of numerous studios to explore some of the many styles of yoga being taught today. Yoga has completely transformed my body, my mind, and my life. It challenges and opens my mind, heart, and soul on a daily basis and reminds me that I can rely on my self and my breath to carry me through anything!

This practice has furthered my faith in the power of intention and positive thinking and constantly reminds me that I am exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment and that every breath has infinite potential. In fact, I’ve recently said good-bye to a full-time legal career in order to pursue this passion, and now I end each day feeling so unbelievably fulfilled. I truly feel so blessed to have the opportunity to pursue my passion wholeheartedly and am so grateful for all of you who have welcomed me into your lives.

Yoga is so much more than what you do on your mat – it’s how you live, it’s what you share with others, it’s when you wake up one day feeling more aware, more patient, more alive. I am deeply inspired by my amazing teachers and I strive to support others as they find their own inspiration, explore their own yoga experiences, and grow and transform both on and off the mat. While I am so thankful for the ability to share my experiences and guide others through pranayama, asana, and meditation, I absolutely believe that we are our own greatest teachers.

I believe in finding a balance between challenging your mind and body, playing with your edge, and finding space and serenity on your mat. In my class, expect to be physically challenged, mentally relaxed, and encouraged to find some lightness and playfulness in your practice! I am also Reiki Level 1 certified and I love assisting with the help of soothing lavender oil in savasana!

As a Lululemon Ambassador, I appreciate every opportunity to participate in community events and share the spirit of yoga with others. I teach workshops on a regular basis and am available for private and semi-private classes.

When I'm not at the studio, I can be found spending time with friends and family in Boston and New York and spoiling my 5lb pup, Toby!