Talene McCarthy found fitness to be a way to remedy scoliosis related back issues in her adolescent years. That awareness of her body grew into a way to reduce physical and mental stress with outlets such as body strengthening, circuit and weight training, kickboxing and cardio classes. Ultimately her need for more mental release drew her to power yoga. With 20 years of experience to draw from, she became a certified and registered RYT 200 Yoga Alliance instructor. Her path then led her to LPY’s Barre&Soul classes which provided the perfect blend of fitness training and yoga. Talene trained in the Lotte Berk barre method and now hopes to bring a fun, energetic and invigorating sequence, focusing on alignment and purposeful movement for people of all ages and capabilities. Talene's teaching style helps to guide students with modifications and alignment instructions to nurture students in a supportive and soothing environment. Talene has found yoga and barre to be a way of life to keep her balanced both physically and mentally. She hopes to inspire others to move towards deeper levels of physical fitness while developing mind-body connections through explorations of their potentials in a safe and non-judgmental manner.