What I love about yoga is that it works – no exceptions. All you have to do is show up and breathe, then sit back and watch your life transform. I fell in love with yoga right away, and looking back I can see how fast my life began to shift – big shifts for the world to see and internal shifts that really have been much bigger.
I completed teacher training through Prana Power Yoga and began teaching just four days later. In the years that followed I attended many further trainings and workshops and feel blessed to learn from so many amazing teachers. I have trained in assisting with Sue Jones & Ray Mucci, anatomy with Ellen Heed, Yin Yoga with Josh Summers, and kids yoga with Lisa Flynn. I am also a level 1 Reiki practitioner under Jene’ Rossi. I continue to stay committed to learning and growing as a yoga teacher and student.
I aspire to teach the kind of class that I love to take: balanced, challenging, fun, and fluid, with a whole lot of space to find your own way. Creating a strong flow is one of my absolute favorite parts of teaching yoga. I also love teaching to music and thoroughly enjoy creating playlists that I hope enhance the students’ experience without distracting from breath.
Mostly, I strive to take this journey one step a time, soaking up as much as I can. Bob Dylan said,“we have never arrived, we are in a constant state of becoming.” Yoga teaches me to live slow and never stop becoming.