My yoga practice has allowed me to find more fun and freedom on and off my mat, reminding me that I always have options and that I can always shift my perspective to focus on what feels good. I enjoy teaching playful, energetic classes that challenge students to try new things and move beyond the limitations of the mind to tap deeper into the amazing potential and wisdom of the body. I offer lots of space for freedom and many options and modifications in my classes. I welcome you to come as you are, listen to your body, rest when you need to rest, and choose what feels right for you, moment by moment, breath by breath. Through yoga, I've learned to take myself way less seriously, and to be more spontaneous and creative. I love sharing this perspective with all my students, and I especially love it when we can laugh at ourselves and lighten up a little in the process!
Prior to teaching yoga, I worked with elementary school- aged children in classrooms, afterschool programs and camps, and I still enjoy teaching kids yoga and even bringing out that inner child in adult classes. I especially love teaching to fun music from various genres and my love of music is reflected in the classes I teach, helping students to tap into their own inner rhythm and vibe. In addition to my 200 hour teacher training with Prana Power Yoga in 2008, I have taken trainings with Claire Este-McDonald, Gregor Singleton, and Lynne Begier, as well as an advanced training in alignment and sequencing with Ame Wren and David Regelin, and I continue to study with Jane Cargill, of Baptiste Power Yoga. I'm inspired every day by so many wonderful teachers and by my own students, and I feel lucky to be part of the amazing yoga community we have here in Boston.