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Spring Forward: A Seasonally Balanced Flow with Allison
1:00 PM13:00

Spring Forward: A Seasonally Balanced Flow with Allison

According to Ayurveda, Spring is the time of year to get moving, work up a sweat and lighten up. Join Allison for a warm dynamic flow incorporating the wisdom of Ayurveda. This 90-min yoga sequence is designed to clear away winter stagnation and leave you feeling energized and balanced. Short Ayurveda discussion will follow the class.

Saturday, March 21st
1:00 -3:00

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Benefit Class for Maddie's Mission w/ Jen Geller
1:00 PM13:00

Benefit Class for Maddie's Mission w/ Jen Geller

Join LPY’s Jen Geller for a benefit class on Sunday, March 10th at 1:00PM. Jen and her family started a nonprofit organization to raise awareness and funds for children in the foster care system.
Jen is also the co- founder of Maddie's Mission.

Sunday, March 1st
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Suggested Donation: $20
Cash or check made out to Maddie's Mission ONLY PLEASE
Check out maddiesmission.com for more info.

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Yin & Moon Salutations Master Class with Allison Burke
7:30 PM19:30

Yin & Moon Salutations Master Class with Allison Burke

Yin & Moon Salutations Master Class: A blissful blend of Yin and Yang yoga to leave you feeling balanced and restored

Join Allison for a Master Class on the blending the benefits of Yin Yoga with a calming but dynamic yoga flow honoring the moon.

Fall is the perfect time to tune in to your ability to feel rooted and grounded. This Master Class is designed to counterbalance any hectic energy that arises from changing seasons and changing schedules.

It is highly recommended as part of a year round wellness routine.

Class will be focussed on balancing energies and end with a calming yin sequence and meditation.

When: Friday December 13th

Time: 7:30-9pm

Cost: $25

Allison is a 200-hr Registered Yoga Teacher, (soon to be 500-hr specializing in Yin Yoga) and Ayurvedic Health Counselor.

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The Application of the 8-Limbs of Yoga with Julianne Zhou
1:00 PM13:00

The Application of the 8-Limbs of Yoga with Julianne Zhou

The Application of the 8-Limbs of Yoga w/Jilianne Zhou Long before the West embraced sweaty asana classes and yoga pants, yoga existed as a Hindu spiritual discipline. It provided a fundamental philosophy for how to make one's way through the world.

This workshop will explore yoga as spiritual practice. With lecture, discussion, journaling, and games, it will introduce the 8 Limbs of Yoga, an ancient step-by-step path for purifying the body and mind found in Patañjali's Yoga Sutra. Come discover ways to deepen your yoga practice and practical ways to bring your yoga beyond the mat and into out the modern world. You will not want to miss this!

Julianne is a 500-hour trained yoga teacher and an educator who use her skills, her experience and her wisdom to convey the living practice of ancient philosophy.

Sunday 12/8 1pm-2:30


Free for LPY TT Graduates

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Chakra Charge with Tina Adoniou
1:00 PM13:00

Chakra Charge with Tina Adoniou

Chakra Charge with Tina Adoniou

2 hours

Have you ever had an emotional experience while practicing yoga? Or how about an old forgotten memory coming to the surface in a particular part of your practice? That's your chakra system talking to you! It's the interface between mind and body and is revealing things to you all the time.

You’ll learn about the chakra system and how it works in your body, then get moving with a flow that awakens each energy center. Using asana, bioenergetic movement, and breath work you’ll charge up your energy from deep within the body and get your chakras and your muscles working in powerful ways! You’ll leave feeling energized on a whole new level.

$30 in advanced. $35 day of.

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Post Thanksgiving Workshop w/Joanne and Rachel with Joanne Carlisle and Rachel Frost
2:00 PM14:00

Post Thanksgiving Workshop w/Joanne and Rachel with Joanne Carlisle and Rachel Frost

Back away slowly from Black Friday shopping, grab a friend and head to LPY's version of 'Friendsgiving'!

Join Joanne Carlise the day after Thanksgiving because we are IN IT! We are driving full steam ahead toward all the craziness that December brings. In the midst of the lunacy, carve out a couple of hours for yourself. The amazing Rachel Frost will be on hand for assists. For two hours, You can celebrate anything and everything with a sweaty, challenging flow that integrates strength and mobility.

We'll talk a bit about the balance that we tend to lose sight of during this nutty time of year and remind ourselves through the strength or our own practice and the support of our friends and community, how to find it again.

Rachel Frost is a 200 hour RYT, certified massage therapist who will be offering badass assisting (but only if you want it).

All of this magic is going down to a killer playlist (think Lizzo hanging with Pat Benatar). So please join us for this post-Thanksgiving flow as we charge our way with strength and purpose toward the end of the year and into the new one.

All levels are welcome. $30 in advance or $35 day of

This workshop will be set to music.

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Balance Athlete - Level 1 Certification with Johnny Gillespie
to Nov 17

Balance Athlete - Level 1 Certification with Johnny Gillespie

Join Johnny Gillespie for a Level 1 Certification of Balanced Athlete, November 15th-November 17th

Friday, 11/15 -6pm-9pm 

Saturday, 11/16 12:30-8pm 

Sunday, 11/17 12:30-8pm

You will: 
• Learn "NEW" method of teaching emerging movement science

• Learn assessment of body structure

• Learn to teach movement efficiency

• Appeal to a wider range of students • Broaden people’s definition of being an athlete

• Learn to teach new methods to reduce injury

CECs for ACE, AFAA, NASM, NSCA and Yoga Alliance

Price: $500 for the weekend and Level 1 Balanced Athlete Certification

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LPY Master Class: How To Be A Beginner & Teach Beginners w/ Rhonda Skloff
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: How To Be A Beginner & Teach Beginners w/ Rhonda Skloff

We are all Beginners.  Each time we step on our mat it is a new experience, a new practice.  Approaching our own yoga practice with curiosity and without attachment to the results of our efforts is like being a beginner over and over for all of us.  

Teaching to Beginners is challenging but is the most gratifying mode of teaching.  We as teachers have the awesome responsibility of opening the world's minds & bodies to the gift of yoga. To help people find balance & calm within themselves will inevitably make an impact on the people in their own lives and eventually change the world one yogi at a time.   I truly believe this.  

I cannot wait to share The Beginners Yoga Series with you, how it has evolved and how it will have an impact on your teaching and on your own practice. 

1-2:30p Lecture & Practicum

2:45-4 Class taught specifically for beginners


Rhonda is a RYT 500 through the training of two master teachers; Jacqui Bonwell of Sacred Seeds Yoga School (200 hours) and Natasha Rizopoulos of Down Under School of Yoga (300 hours). The influence of these two brilliant teachers has shaped her teaching and allowed her to find her own voice. She began her yoga practice several years ago, but at the time viewed it as an additional form of physical fitness. Rhonda was a fitness professional, cycling teacher, runner, skier, Power Pilates instructor and personal trainer who once dreamed of being a body builder. “It took me a long time to stay for Shavasana, but once I did, I immediately felt the effects of the practice and my life changed profoundly. Yoga helped me to find balance between strength and ease; between fear and ego and between breath and movement. Yoga allowed me to quiet my very busy mind and learn to enjoy the present moment”.

Through certification and study on Yoga and Breast Cancer and the inspiration of a dear friend, Rhonda’s first students were undergoing treatment. She worked with students privately and through workshops she developed. Rhonda enjoys teaching public classes and private sessions and does so with intelligence and compassion. She teaches with attention to proper alignment and emphasizes staying present with breath and focus. Finding balance between Sthirha and Sukha (steadiness and ease) is what she strives for in herself and in her teaching. She learns something new from not only every class and workshop she takes, but from every student she meets. Rhonda owned, managed and taught at her own studio for 3 ½ years and while doing so developed The Beginners Yoga Series. She plans to continue to bring the series to the public.

“My goal is to bring the joy and lasting effects of yoga to as many people as possible; hoping to bring positive change to the world, one yogi at a time”.

Rhonda enjoys biking, skiing, paddle boarding, walking her 2 chocolate labs and spending time with her husband and two sons.

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LPY Master Class: Barre Method For Yoga Sequencing w/ Linda Spolidoro
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: Barre Method For Yoga Sequencing w/ Linda Spolidoro

Is Barre the yang to Yoga’s yin? I had a love/hate relationship with barre the first time I took a class. I’m a yogi after all, and that “do-what-feels-good-rest-when-you-want” attitude inherent to a good yoga practice was replaced with a “stay-in-it-and-let-it-burn” encouragement that made me shake, sweat, and swear under my breath. However, I found that by making barre classes a part of my routine, my yoga practice became stronger, more stable and safer. My knees stopped hurting, my flexibility inexplicably increased, and my high to low push-ups no longer put any strain on my low back. Oh, and my core, forget about it!!! I became ridiculously strong.

I began to incorporate much of what I learned and taught in my barre classes into my yoga classes both in my own practice and as a teacher. What I found was an effective, efficient, and beautiful synchronicity that helped me to move my students through smarter and more functional sequences, while awakening and creating a new kind of muscular strength. While the yoga poses generally target the bigger muscle groups in large ranges of motion, barre targets singular and often forgotten muscles in a sustained, targeted, and much smaller range. 

We’ll learn about fast twitch muscles vs slow twitch muscles, why and what that burning sensation is, explore how to modify for injury while still targeting the desired muscle/s, how to add the ‘barre’ while sequencing in a way that keeps the ‘yoga’ and finally how the mindfulness, breathing, and connection to the body in yoga is the perfect compliment to the internal fortitude it takes to get through the barre exercises (and visa versa). The last hour of class will give you the opportunity to try it yourselves as I lead you through a one hour yoga/barre fusion practice.

1:00-2:45 Applied learning & Lecture

2:45-4:00 Flow taught through barre lens



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LPY Master Class: Your Authentic Self - Teaching Through The Enneagram w/ Michael Mann
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: Your Authentic Self - Teaching Through The Enneagram w/ Michael Mann

Learn how to use the Enneagram, a personality assessment designed for self-actualization, to see what's keeping you (and your students) from realizing your most authentic self. Because the Enneagram places a great deal of importance on energy, and views the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies as one, it goes hand in hand with a yoga practice.

We will learn about each of the nine types, their "samskaras" of anger, shame, and anxiety, and how the types correspond to the energy points of the head, the heart, and the gut. We will then explore how to custom make a yoga practice that allows each type to grow and thrive.

With further understanding of this system and how it dovetails with a yoga asana practice, you can infuse it into your teaching, especially with private clients, to help your students deepen their understanding of themselves and their practice.


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LPY Master Class: Hypermobility, Functional Movement & Your Yoga w/ Jillian McDonough
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: Hypermobility, Functional Movement & Your Yoga w/ Jillian McDonough

1:00 - 4:00pm


Hypermobility is the ability to take a joint outside the “normal” range of function. In general population we may see 10% of a pooled population being hypermobil but if you look around at your classes, your regular clients, and likely you, you will see the percentage of yoga students with hyper mobility to be much higher.

In this workshop we will break down hyper mobility by testing our own joints for end range and see where we fall in the anatomical range of function.
Does it make sense to be working at our end range if it is a hyper Mobil state and how often are we asking our practioners to do that. Let’s examine some key poses, their anatomical functional range and then what we are asking from bodies. I will also talk to sequencing within range of motion and to strength of posture, deconstructing some common postures and building them back up again.

We will end with a short class that sequences to functional range and stability. This workshop is NOT just for teachers. If you are curious about your body and how it moves this is for you. Likelihood is, if you are nailing those picture perfect poses there is room to examine how you are getting there and if it is working for you in the long run.

“habitual actions that don’t serve us well and these are often exploited in the most common/repetitive vinyasa yoga sequences. For example, countless women who have practiced vinyasa yoga for more than a few years are discovering that they have minor to serious hip injuries (e.g. hip labrum tears or degeneration). There is even an injury that is often called "yoga butt" (upper hamstring tendon). Generally, someone who is genetically flexible (and many adept yoga students fit into the "hyper-mobile" category) is attracted to yoga and praised for their genetic capabilities...and often those same "strengths" are exploited (the student is encouraged to consistently go to her end range of motion during every asana) and eventually they become weaknesses.”
-Alex Audra

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LPY Master Class: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spine and Hips with Jen Geller
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spine and Hips with Jen Geller

BACK to the basics: Yoga for a healthy spine and body

Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Spine and the Hips w/Jen Geller MS, PT, RYT

Saturday, March 24th

2 parts, join for 1 or both

PART 1- Lecture 1-3pm

PART 2 - 3-4:15pm Flow

Join one part- $25 join both parts- $40

Are you looking learn about functional anatomy as it applies to your yoga teachings and your yoga practice? Drawing on over twenty years of experience as a physical therapist before becoming a yoga teacher, Jen Gellar will share with you functional information on the musculoskeletal system that may help you teach and/or practice more safely and effectively. Jen will begin with a focus on the spine (lumbar, thoracic and cervical) and then how the spine articulates and functions with the pelvis. You will learn helpful information to hopefully demystify the sacroiliac or SI joint. We can also touch on extremities as well as different populations, body types, and common injuries.

This will be an interactive presentation and discussion on how to apply the principles of functional anatomy to specific poses and transitions between poses. Also, how to effectively utilize core musculature to move mindfully and safely through your practice and everyday life.

Information session is intended for teachers and anyone interested in deepening their knowledge. Presentation will be followed by a one-hour flow focused on maintaining a healthy spine and body through yoga.

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