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LPY Master Class: Hypermobility, Functional Movement & Your Yoga w/ Jillian McDonough

1:00 - 4:00pm


Hypermobility is the ability to take a joint outside the “normal” range of function. In general population we may see 10% of a pooled population being hypermobil but if you look around at your classes, your regular clients, and likely you, you will see the percentage of yoga students with hyper mobility to be much higher.

In this workshop we will break down hyper mobility by testing our own joints for end range and see where we fall in the anatomical range of function.
Does it make sense to be working at our end range if it is a hyper Mobil state and how often are we asking our practioners to do that. Let’s examine some key poses, their anatomical functional range and then what we are asking from bodies. I will also talk to sequencing within range of motion and to strength of posture, deconstructing some common postures and building them back up again.

We will end with a short class that sequences to functional range and stability. This workshop is NOT just for teachers. If you are curious about your body and how it moves this is for you. Likelihood is, if you are nailing those picture perfect poses there is room to examine how you are getting there and if it is working for you in the long run.

“habitual actions that don’t serve us well and these are often exploited in the most common/repetitive vinyasa yoga sequences. For example, countless women who have practiced vinyasa yoga for more than a few years are discovering that they have minor to serious hip injuries (e.g. hip labrum tears or degeneration). There is even an injury that is often called "yoga butt" (upper hamstring tendon). Generally, someone who is genetically flexible (and many adept yoga students fit into the "hyper-mobile" category) is attracted to yoga and praised for their genetic capabilities...and often those same "strengths" are exploited (the student is encouraged to consistently go to her end range of motion during every asana) and eventually they become weaknesses.”
-Alex Audra