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Family Yoga – All ages welcome! with Kimberly Fife
12:30 PM12:30

Family Yoga – All ages welcome! with Kimberly Fife

Room: unheated

Family Yoga- All ages welcome!

Class geared toward ages 3-10


Saturday February 8th

Join Kimberly to learn the basics of yoga while bonding and having fun with your little one. This engaging workshop includes beginner Pranayama breathing techniques, warm up stretches; basic Asana (poses) all woven into songs and stories, creative movement games, partner yoga with your child, and a closing Savasana. This easy going class environment invites you and your child to play, laugh, and explore together!

$35 per family

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to Jan 17



We want you to have the chance to have your kiddos experience the benefits of kids yoga! This is a one time thing so don’t hesitate to sign up!

All Kids classes are FREE the week of January 6th & January 13th! Preregistration is required so we don’t go over capacity so make sure to create an account for your kids.

Your kids need their own account with their own email. Please register them under their own name but use the form below to submit your email so you can get all the news about further specials and deals.

Our suggestion is to create them a gmail that will simply push emails right to your email account to be sure you receive all information

If your kids attend yoga during this week you will be eligible to purchase a kids auto renew membership at just $50 for the first month & $75 after that! This will come to you via email so please make sure to submit your email below!


All Family classes (excludes parent & me and prenatal) are free during the week of 1/6 and 1/13. Please checkout the webpages for all new info on times for each age group and new pricing options!

Please share with your friends! We want everyone to know how amazing yoga can be for kids!

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Mother/Daughter Yoga with Kimberly Fife
3:30 PM15:30

Mother/Daughter Yoga with Kimberly Fife

Saturday, May 11th 

Mom and Daughter Yoga (ages 10 and up)

$35 for family

Time to relax with you daughter! This all levels workshop will begin with an opening check in, Pranayama breathing techniques to relax the body and clear and mind, warm up stretches, Asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and a short closing meditation. We will explore partner poses and learn conscious communication skills to help you and your daughter bond. Leave feeling relaxed and refreshed after having fun together!

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Mother/Daughter Yoga with Kimberly Fife
4:00 PM16:00

Mother/Daughter Yoga with Kimberly Fife

Saturday, May 11th 

Mom and Daughter Yoga (ages 10 and up)

$35 for family

Time to relax with you daughter! This all levels workshop will begin with an opening check in, Pranayama breathing techniques to relax the body and clear and mind, warm up stretches, Asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and a short closing meditation. We will explore partner poses and learn conscious communication skills to help you and your daughter bond. Leave feeling relaxed and refreshed after having fun together!

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Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop Ages 4-10 with Kimberly Fife
12:30 PM12:30

Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop Ages 4-10 with Kimberly Fife

Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop

Ages 4-10 + parent/caregiver


The path to harmony and growth often begins with the connection we have to those closest to us. Find peace within our own little tribe! Nurture and bond with your family through yoga practice, songs, games, creative movement and meditations.

Each workshop will include, pranayama (breathing techniques), asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and Savasana (relaxation). Learn how to take yoga practice and philosophies off the mat and into your home!

This is a monthly workshop held the first Saturday of the month (besides Sept because of the holiday)

Saturday, February 2nd


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FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 4-12 with Kimberly Fife
12:30 PM12:30

FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 4-12 with Kimberly Fife

Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop

Ages 4-10 w/parent/caregiver


November 3rd

Include the whole family in one workshop!

The path to harmony and growth often begins with the connection we have to those closest to us. Find peace within our own little tribe! Nurture and bond with your family through yoga practice, songs, games, creative movement and meditations. Each workshop will include, pranayama (breathing techniques), asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and Savasana (relaxation). Learn how to take yoga practice and philosophies off the mat and into your home!

November 3rd


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September Session - FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 7-teen with Kimberly Fife
1:45 PM13:45

September Session - FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 7-teen with Kimberly Fife

Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop

Ages 7-teen + parent/caregiver


Saturday, September 8th

The path to harmony and growth often begins with the connection we have to those closest to us. Find peace within our own little tribe! Nurture and bond with your family through yoga practice, songs, games, creative movement and meditations. Each workshop will include, pranayama (breathing techniques), asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and Savasana (relaxation). Learn how to take yoga practice and philosophies off the mat and into your home!

This is a monthly workshop held the first Saturday of the month (besides Sept because of the holiday)

September 8th

October 6th

November 3rd

December 1st

$30/family $100 for all 4 (must sign up for all 4 by the first session)

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September Session - FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 3-6 with Kimberly Fife
12:30 PM12:30

September Session - FAMILY Workshop Little Tribe Yoga Ages 3-6 with Kimberly Fife

Little Tribe Yoga - FAMILY Workshop

Ages 3-6 + parent/caregiver


The path to harmony and growth often begins with the connection we have to those closest to us. Find peace within our own little tribe! Nurture and bond with your family through yoga practice, songs, games, creative movement and meditations.

Each workshop will include, pranayama (breathing techniques), asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and Savasana (relaxation). Learn how to take yoga practice and philosophies off the mat and into your home!

This is a monthly workshop held the first Saturday of the month (besides Sept because of the holiday)

September 8th

October 6th

November 3rd

December 1st

$100 for all 4 (must sign up for all 4 by the first session)

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Mother's Day!  Family Yoga w/ kids ages 7-Teen
3:00 PM15:00

Mother's Day! Family Yoga w/ kids ages 7-Teen

Family Yoga on Mother’s Day w/Kimberly Fife

Moms and dads both welcome to attend any class!

Ages 7-Teen
$25/pair +$15 for each additional family member

3:00pm-4:15pm Family Yoga (ages 7-teen) - 1 hour and 15 min
Relax and bond with your children and teens. This all levels workshop includes Pranayama breathing techniques to calm the body and focus the mind, warm up stretches, Asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and a closing relaxation/mediation. We will explore energy, partner poses, creative movement, and different ways to meditate. This class provides an easy going environment that allows you and your family to let go, have fun, and be creative together!

Please create or use the account for the parent who is bringing the teen (don't worry about signing up the teen). Sign up just the one parent and use the pricing option that is $25. If you want to bring an additional adult please sign up using the other adults account and name and use the pricing option "additional family member" for $15. You can email management@lexingtonpoweryoga.com for help.

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LPY Master Class: Your Authentic Self - Teaching Through The Enneagram w/ Michael Mann
1:00 PM13:00

LPY Master Class: Your Authentic Self - Teaching Through The Enneagram w/ Michael Mann

Learn how to use the Enneagram, a personality assessment designed for self-actualization, to see what's keeping you (and your students) from realizing your most authentic self. Because the Enneagram places a great deal of importance on energy, and views the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies as one, it goes hand in hand with a yoga practice.

We will learn about each of the nine types, their "samskaras" of anger, shame, and anxiety, and how the types correspond to the energy points of the head, the heart, and the gut. We will then explore how to custom make a yoga practice that allows each type to grow and thrive.

With further understanding of this system and how it dovetails with a yoga asana practice, you can infuse it into your teaching, especially with private clients, to help your students deepen their understanding of themselves and their practice.


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Family Yoga Ages 7-Teen - Family Yoga DAY 1/20
3:00 PM15:00

Family Yoga Ages 7-Teen - Family Yoga DAY 1/20

Family Yoga (ages 7-teen) - 1 hour and 15 min w/ Kimberly Fife

Relax and bond with your children and teens. This all levels workshop includes Pranayama breathing techniques to relax the body and focus the mind, warm up stretches, Asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and a closing relaxation/mediation. We will explore energy, partner poses, creative movement, conscious communication, and staying present. This class provides an easy going environment that allows you and your family to let go, have fun, and be creative together!

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Family Yoga Ages 7-Teen - Family Yoga DAY 11/19
3:00 PM15:00

Family Yoga Ages 7-Teen - Family Yoga DAY 11/19

Family Yoga (ages 7-teen) - 1 hour and 15 min w/ Kimberly Fife

Relax and bond with your children and teens. This all levels workshop includes Pranayama breathing techniques to relax the body and focus the mind, warm up stretches, Asana (poses), group and partner exercises, and a closing relaxation/mediation. We will explore energy, partner poses, creative movement, conscious communication, and staying present. This class provides an easy going environment that allows you and your family to let go, have fun, and be creative together!

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Yoga for the Special Child W/ Bianca Inirio with Bianca Inirio
4:30 PM16:30

Yoga for the Special Child W/ Bianca Inirio with Bianca Inirio

4-Week Yoga for the Special Child W/ Bianca Inirio

4:30pm-5:15pm – Fridays

Sessions will be:

September 22nd

September 29th

October 6th

October 13th

Cost; $140 for the series

By using Hatha Yoga techniques this program is designed to support and augment the natural development of children with special needs. It is a gentle and beneficial Yoga style, safe for infants, toddlers, and children, which increase body awareness and strength.

Yoga for the Special Child specializes in breathing exercises, and uses relaxation techniques to improve your child’s concentration and reduce hyperactivity.

We ask that new prospective student of our program fill out a questionnaire and schedule one appointment for an evaluation so we can assure that the program we design is suited to any medical concerns or special needs of your child!

Evaluation: Up to 45 minutes (one on one): $90 

Private Lessons are possible if your child is not ready for a Group Class. Please contact Bianca at: balinirio@gmail.com to talk with you to discuss more about this option. Must register by: 9/15 NO GROUPONS, NO MAKE UP CLASSES, NO REFUNDS, NO EXCEPTIONS, NO DROP INS Thank you!

About Bianca:

Bianca has a background in Occupational Therapy. She began her study at an Occupational Therapy school in Germany. Over three years of study and 4 years of clinic hours, she gained a deeper understanding of social, mental, and physical disabilities, finishing with a B.A. in Occupational Therapy.


Driven by her passion, and the wish to learn more about her profession, she came to the United States in 2014. She started working as a professional Au Pair for a family with three children, one of whom is on the spectrum. Here she gained invaluable experience in relationship building and the professional care of special-needs child. Always craving for more knowledge Bianca took classes in BrainGym, Floortime, and volunteered at ILAN, a school for special needs children, to learn more about ABA.


A perennial believer in the therapeutic effects of relaxing movement, she trained with Kathy Randolph to become a certified Practitioner of the Yoga for the Special Child – the Soniar Sumar Method. The influence of this amazing woman developed the wish of combining her OT background with Yoga to provide infants, children, and their parents with a powerful tool to improve their quality of life. Bianca herself practices Yoga daily, and is going to start her 200-hour teacher training in September to deepen her knowledge.

Bianca’s Contact Information:

Bianca Inirio

Phone: (978) 908-8763

Email: balinirio@gmail.com

Webpage: baliyogaforthespecialchild.com

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