
Jennifer Schipani

"I fell in love with group fitness classes about 7 years ago when I moved back to Boston after college and was starting to figure out what a work, family, friend and personal life balance was. With fitness classes, I found that the simple act of clicking a button and committing to a class was exactly the kind of motivation to keep me structured, amidst the distractions of every day life, and staying physically and mentally healthy.

When I started adding 2-3 barre classes into my weekly routine and I found significant results in my already physical lifestyle - all of a sudden I was sitting straighter at my desk, I was seeing definition in my legs, core and abs, and I was excelling in my other workouts. 

Like any work out, the results are often what you put into it - but as an instructor it’s my goal to provide the energy, motivation and moves to make each class a fun and challenging experience."