
Teacher Training

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200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training- Online and In Person with Lorraine Shedoudi
6:00 PM18:00

200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training- Online and In Person with Lorraine Shedoudi

An online and in person 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?!Yes!

Get a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Certification with the option to do in person and online learning. Whether your intention is to teach or just deepen your understanding of your this practice, the Lexington Power Yoga 200-hour teacher training program is designed in a way that encourages an authentic exploration and genuine understanding of yoga through critical analysis and direct experience.

Together, we’ll witness the emergence of smart and confident teachers as well as wise and thoughtful practitioners. This training will push you out of your comfort zone. You’ll have the opportunity to explore movement, breath work (pranayama), meditation, and learn how to speak confidently in front of a class. We’ll explore effective cuing as we examine what is happening anatomically when we ask students to move in and out of specific poses. We'll look at injury modifications, and how to teach to an ‘all levels’ group of students as well as specific populations. You’ll emerge with a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of yoga and how the yoga industry impacts the history and practice of yoga.

We will learn from traveling guests such as Alexandria Crow, creator of Yoga Physics. Alex’s unique perspective has revolutionized how we think about certain poses. Johnny Gillespie, founder of The Balanced Athlete Method and more!

The LPY training is unique in that it offers support and mentoring well after your certification is complete. As you go out into the yoga world and begin to navigate the business of teaching public classes, we’ll be there to support you. The program’s lead teachers, Lorraine Shedoudi, Linda Spolidoro and Jen Murray have well over 20 years collectively of teaching experience. In their time at LPY, they have personally overseen the graduation of 10 groups of teacher trainees. Their commitment to continued education and ability to share what they have learned makes for smarter, stronger and more well-rounded yoga teachers.

Along side your lead teachers, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from experienced and versatile teachers and mentors, Tina Adoniou and Jillian McDonough, Jen Geller and Allison Burke who bring their own expertise, years of practical teaching experience, and their own unique perspectives. Together, with this powerful staff you’ll be supported, encouraged, and eager to learn more.

Total Cost: $2850

*pay in full by 8/20 for the early bird price of $2600 (save $200) *$550 deposit due with application

TT Hours and Dates:

Each scheduled weekend listed below we meet on Friday 6pm-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 12:30-8:30pm w/a hybrid of zoom and in person (based on your preferences, can be done all online but we encourage in studio participation).  We will also need to remain flexible as per any state guidance that may be issued. 

Weekend #1 - 9/17-9/19
Weekend #2-10/15-10/17
Weekend #3- 11/19-11/21
Weekend #4-12/10-12/12
Weekend #5-1/7-1/9
Weekend #6-2/4-2/6
Weekend #7-3/4-3/6
Weekend #8-4/1-4/3
Weekend #9-5/6-5/8
Weekend #10-6/3-6/5 Graduation

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FREE Yoga Class & Teacher Training Info Session
2:30 PM14:30

FREE Yoga Class & Teacher Training Info Session

Sunday 2/21 @2:30pm - Livestream only

This one is going to be fun! Lorraine will lead you through an all levels class meant for anyone and then after you get to chat about the upcoming 200 and 300 hour teacher trainings!

There will be many graduate trainees there and some of our teachers to answer any questions and give insight into what you get when you join a training.

This class is FREE to all - even if you are not interested in the training - come for just the class and you are free to leave at the end.

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200-Hour FALL 2019/2020 Certified Teacher Training w/ Lorraine Shedoudi & Linda Spolidoro
to Oct 5

200-Hour FALL 2019/2020 Certified Teacher Training w/ Lorraine Shedoudi & Linda Spolidoro

A double certification 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training?!

Yes! Get a 200-hour Yoga Alliance Certification & Balanced Athlete Certification

Whether your intention is to teach or just deepen your personal practice, the Lexington Power Yoga 200 hour teacher training program is designed in a way that encourages an authentic exploration and genuine understanding of yoga through critical analysis and direct experience. Together, we’ll witness the emergence of smart and confident teachers as well as wise and thoughtful practitioners.

This training will push you out of your comfort zone. You’ll have the opportunity to practice more deeply, explore yoga breath work (pranayama), practice meditation, and learn how to speak confidently in front of a class. We’ll explore what is happening anatomically when we ask students to move in and out of specific poses, injury modification, and how to teach to an ‘all levels’ group of students.

You’ll emerge with a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of yoga and how the yoga industry impacts the history and practice of yoga.

The training includes a Balanced Athlete Certification with founder, Johnny Gillespie. For the first time ever we will also be seeing traveling guests such as Alexandria Crow, creator of Yoga Physics. Alex’s unique perspective has revolutionized how we think about certain poses. Jacqui Bonwell will demystify the Yoga Sutras and the Chakras in a way that feels accessible. You’ll be learning from the best, the people who are helping to shape the yoga industry throughout the country.

The LPY training is unique in that it offers support and mentoring well after your certification is complete. As you go out into the yoga world and begin to navigate the business of teaching public classes, we’ll be there to support you.

The program’s lead teacher, Lorraine Shedoudi, has well over 10 years of teaching experience. In her time at LPY, she has personally overseen the graduation of 7 groups of teacher trainees. Her commitment to continued education and her ability to share what she has learned makes for smarter, stronger and more well-rounded yoga teachers.

Along side Lorraine, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from experienced and versatile lead teachers and mentors, Linda Spolidoro and Tina Adoniou, who bring their own expertise, years of practical teaching experience, and their own unique perspectives. Together, with this powerful staff you’ll be supported, encouraged, and eager to learn more.

What sets the LPY Teacher Training apart from other 200 hour trainings in New England is the fact that LPY is the ONLY program that not only provides you with a certification from Yoga Alliance but also a Balanced Athlete Certification from Johnny Gillespie. This is a Double Certification; 200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certification & Balanced Athlete Certification.

Total Cost: $2850
*pay in full by 9/23 for the early bird price of $2650 (save $200)
*$550 deposit due with application

TT Hours and Dates:

Each weekend listed below we meet on Friday 6pm-9pm,

Saturday and Sunday 12:30-8:30pm

Weekend #1- October 4-6
Weekend #2- October 25-27
Weekend #3- November 15-17
Weekend #4- December 20-22
Weekend #5-January 3-5
Weekend #6- February 7-9
Weekend #7- March 13-15
Weekend #8 April 3-5
Weekend #9 May 1-3
Weekend #10 May 8-10 GRADUATION WEEKEND

Learn how to teach a safe & effective vinyasa class:

• Basics of language, postures & cuing

• Workshop: Breaking down the vinyasa

• down dog, high to low pushup, updog, cobra, high pushup variations.

• Learning a safe effective class structure

• Opening of a class/Integration

• Suns series

• External hip postures

• Internal hip postures

• Balance postures

• Core work

• Prone and back back bending

• Wind down & closing savasana

Understand anatomy, alignment & functional movement in yoga

• Anatomy level 1 – Anatomical Lines & Landmarks: The basics of how to keep

students safe:

• Boney markers of the body

• Lines of the body

• Anatomy of hips, hamstrings, quads (full legs) & common injury/prevention

• Anatomy of shoulders & common injury/prevention

• Anatomy of back & common injury/prevention

• Alignment & energetics of flowing postures

• Internal postures, twisting w/o overworking/overstretching at the SI joint

• Forward folds, modifications for overstretched hamstrings, discuss over

stretched hamstrings.

Learn how to sequence your own safe & effective vinyasa class:

• Sequencing I

• Sequencing of internals vs. external postures

• Sequencing w/ offered modifications

• Basics of effective/safe sequencing/yoga anatomy

• Sequencing II

• Understanding how to teach different types of classes w/effective


• Corporate, prenatal, seniors yoga, etc…

• Time Management, learn to teach 45 minute, 60 minute, 75 minute, 90

minute classes

• Sequencing to advanced postures (and what that really means)

• Building internal sequences to create stability

• Building all sequences to create more stability

The Art of Assisting

• Learn to use your words as your biggest assister

• Basic hands on assets for safe alignment

• How has assisting philosophy changed - Less is more.

• Getting students to notice subtle movements

Concepts to elevate your classes

• Pranayama techniques and how to teach

• Meditation techniques and how to teach

• The energetics of the Chakras

• Yoga as a spiritual practice

• History and Philosophy

• Eight Limbs of Yoga

• Teaching yoga to music

• Self Care for you as a teacher

• Building a business as a yoga teacher


• Overview & understanding of:

• Restorative yoga

• Yoga Nidra

• Prenatal yoga

• Corporate yoga

Teachers will include:
Lorraine Shedoudi, Linda Spolidoro, Tina Adoniou, Jillian McDonough, Michael Mann, Michelle Brenes, Emily Griffin, Jen Murray

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Info Session - Fall 2017 200-hour Certified Teacher Training
2:00 PM14:00

Info Session - Fall 2017 200-hour Certified Teacher Training

Whether you want to teach or just take your practice to the next level, this foundational program will advance your practice, acquaint you with the many layers of yoga, build your confidence and help you find your voice.

Sunday 7/23 2:00pm
Sunday 8/13 12:30pm

Join us for Q&A, get to know your lead teachers and mentors and meet more awesome people!

Sign up in advance please.

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LPY Assistant Training w/ Jen Murray
to May 7

LPY Assistant Training w/ Jen Murray

Do you want to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga?

Do you want to experience loving-kindness in your life?

JOIN US FOR Hands on Assisting, May 6-7th

5/6 12:30pm-6:30pm

5/7 12:30pm-6:30pm

6:30pm-8:00pm assisting a class after your training.

(Must attend both days)

Jen Murray is offering this hands on assisting workshop. Whether you are currently teaching, thinking about teaching, want to learn more about the poses and energetics of yoga, the Assisting Training is the ultimate way to deepen your understanding of yoga. You will put loving-kindness into practice, and to experience safe and appropriate touch as a healing modality.

Assisting is about connection: connection to yourself, the practitioner, and to the pose. You will learn how to adjust the body in proper alignment, how to provide support to go deeper into the posture or to back off and to trust your intuition. Through practice, dialogue, and feedback you will quickly understand the feelings of assists in your own body and be able to give effective hands on adjustments to others. The act of giving that is inherent in assisting will bring a new depth to your practice that will be fun to experience and even better to share. What we hope that you take away Develop Skills for Safe Hands-on Assisting Understand the in’s and out’s of the physical poses Observe Students, their practice, and find the assist that fits.

Investment: $250 early bird special, $300 after 4/15

Pic - Tracy Rodriguez Photography

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Prenatal TEACHER TRAINING w/ Lorraine Shedoudi
to Apr 24

Prenatal TEACHER TRAINING w/ Lorraine Shedoudi

This training is for yoga teachers interested in delving more fully into the world of prenatal yoga. This 18-hour immersion will prepare students to design, sequence and teach safe, prenatal classes.

Students will learn:

The anatomy & physiology of pregnancy
Yoga’s view of the pregnant body and how this model differs from the western medical model
Myths surrounding prenatal yoga: which postures are truly contraindicated and why
Appropriate postures for a prenatal yoga practice and class
Modifications for different stages in pregnancy
Yoga solutions to common pregnancy aches and pains.
Meditation for both pregnancy and birth
Pranayama for a prenatal practice
Yoga practices for childbirth preparation
Prenatal class components and sequencing, including discussion of how to conduct “circle time” and foster community through open communication in class
Student teaching opportunities
Immediate postnatal yoga considerations and steps for reintroducing mom back to practice

Students will receive a training manual containing the above components as well as suggested prenatal sequences for class development.
Friday, 4/22 6pm-8pm
Saturday, 4/23 11:00pm-5:30pm
Sunday, 4/24 12:30-4:30pm
Saturday, 4/30 11:00-5:30pm
$250 before or on 4/15/16
$275 after 4/15/16

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