
Tayla McNally

I currently live in Woburn, MA and work full-time at a large scale corporation in Boston, MA. I'm very lucky that my company has a great work/life balance and I truly can say that I enjoy the company of my co-workers and going into work each day comes at ease. However, I have always felt the need to do something with a greater purpose, where I feel like I am making a difference and helping people find and develop their mind, body and soul connection. 

As an avid runner I discovered Barre when I was in need of adding more strength training into my workouts. Instantly I feel in love with the energized practice  that brought-out my mind, body and soul connection and left me feeling empowered and strong, even on my wickedest days. I was amazed with how such a rigorous practice could leave me feeling so strong, peaceful and accomplished, in just an hour's time. When I became a part of the Barre community I knew this would be my place to make an difference and help others in the way my previous Barre teachers have done for me. 

When I heard about the need of Barre teachers at LPY, I decided to audition for the 100 hour Barre teacher training. When I found out I got into the teacher training I was overwhelmed with emotions of all sort. I was excited, nervous, and freaking out about the lack of free time I would have over the next 8 weeks of my training. With the love and support of my fiancé, family and friends I was able to put my nerves and hesitation behind me and fully submerge myself into the training. 

Now that my training is complete I am so happy I went forward with it and cannot wait to spread positive and supporting energy to all of my students. My goal for each and every class I teach is to extend that same love of barre to my students and leave them feeling peaceful, strong, and proud of their-selves for the work they achieved, and put in during class.