
In Studio Safety

Studio Policy - May 29th, 2021

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Keeping Classes Capped at 50%

Always keeping our community in mind we have decided to ease into the changes and keep capacity capped at 50% for now. That is 25 mat spots in the big studio & 12 in the small.

It is especially important to familiarize yourself with the Late/Cancel policy. Because of the limits we are still experiencing reduced revenue so every mat counts!


Masks Optional - Following CDC recommendations

Starting Saturday, May 29th masks are optional (including in our lobby and bathrooms) for fully vaccinated individuals. In line with CDC guidance we ask that if you are not vaccinated you continue wearing your masks.
Our teachers will also be following these same guidelines.

Masks are also optional for our outdoor classes.


Showers & Props Are Back! Rentals, Not Yet.

We will be opening our showers back up to the public. Please just try to keep those showers short & sweet so everyone gets a turn.

Blocks will be available in studios and we ask that you spray them down with your alcohol when done. We also cold fog all the props.

We are not yet renting towels, yogitoes or yoga mats. Please bring them with you. We do have some to purchase if you would like.

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Air Purification

LPY invested in a state of the art air purification system that is inside our HVAC system. The Reme Halo can be found inside hospitals, schools, nursing homes...

Shown to kill up to 98% of germs from a sneeze by the time it travels 3 feet - this puppy is keeping our air clean and fresh!

In our barre room we will also be keeping windows and the emergency door open as often as possible.