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YoMa: A Yoga Workshop for Postpartum Women w/ Sidonie Blackett

YoMa: Yoga Workshop for Postpartum Women w/ Sidonie Blackett & Lauren J. Brown, PsyD

Sunday, April 30th 1:00 – 3pm


Have you had a baby in the past 2 years?

Do you wish you could just feel “like your old self” again? Have you been meaning to get back into an exercise routine but are unsure of whether your body can handle it?

Are you desperate for some “you” time?

The postpartum period can be a joyous time but it is also a time when your whole body, spirit, and mind are put under an enormous amount of stress. Childbirth, breast feeding,and caring for a little one can leave the body worn out! Feelings of anxiety, frustration, and excitement can make this sensitive period especially difficult. It is no wonder that women in the postpartum period often do not feel comfortable attending yoga classes with others who are not in the same boat physically or mentally!

This workshop is specifically designed for women who have given birth or adopted a young child in the past year and are interested in doing something positive for themselves.

Led by local perinatal psychologist and mom to a toddler, Lauren Brown, PsyD, with Yoga Alliance certifed yoga teacher and mom to two teenagers, Sidonie Blackett, this two-hour workshop will include both a physical and emotional component via group discussion, asana practice, and meditation. Postnatal Yoga is a wonderful way to center and ground, as well as to release muscle tension.

This workshop is appropriate for women who have given birth vaginally and are 6 weeks postpartum or for women who have given birth by Cesareaand are 8 weeks postpartum. You may attend earlier with your doctor’s permission. Women up to two years postpartum are welcome. We hope you can join us.