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Mother's Day! Family Yoga w/ kids ages 3-6

Family Yoga on Mother’s Day w/Kimberly Fife
Moms and dads both welcome to attend any class!

Recommended for ages 3-6 years old
$25/pair $15 each additional family member

1:30-2:30pm Family Yoga (ages 3-6) -1 hour
Learn the basics of yoga to calm the body and clear the mind, all while bonding and having fun with your little one. This engaging workshop includes beginner Pranayama breathing techniques, warm up stretches; basic Asana (poses) woven into songs and stories, creative movement games, partner yoga with your child, and a short closing mediation. We will explore ways to calm down and relax, being kind to ourselves and the people around us, and creativity!

Please create or use the account for the parent who is bringing the child (don't worry about signing up the child).  Sign up just the one parent and use the pricing option that is $25.  If you want to bring an additional adult please sign up using the other adults account and name and use the pricing option "additional family member" for $15.  You can email management@lexingtonpoweryoga.com  for help.