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BENEFIT FOR Oxygen for India: MEDITATION 101

  • Lexington Power Yoga 1762 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 204 Lexington, MA, 02421 (map)

Meditation 101- A BENEFIT WEBINAR For Oxygen for India and Project Hope w/JILLIAN AND LORRAINE

You've likely heard about the benefits of meditation: increased focus, better sleep, emotional regulation, lower blood pressure...but do you know the reasons WHY meditation brings these benefits? Do you know HOW to get them?

In this interactive webinar, Jillian and Lorraine will explore the many ways to meditate to bring about desired benefits. We will look at meditation types, techniques and strategies for individual and collective success. We will also explore the science behind meditation as well as dispel some of the myths that keep us from developing a regular, beneficial meditation practice.

Bring your questions and your curiosity to tap in to the deep potential of meditation. To join donate to: https://cddep.org/research-area/covid-19/ Oxygen for India, organized by the international Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy, is setting up help desks at various hospitals to ensure that people get access to oxygen cylinders and concentrators for free.

Project Hope is a global aid organization that is distributing medical supplies in India and educating communities on how to stop COVID-19 from spreading. You can donate here: www.projecthope.org

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