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ASANA LAB LIVE @ LPY with Alexandria Crow

The Asana Lab a CLASS with Alex Crow Not a workshop. Simply Practice. You asked for more practice time. You asked to through and through be able to be a student again in a public class, even those of you who are teachers. You asked to have the chance to learn by doing. You asked to be inspired so that your practice becomes your own again and so that you have more to give the students you teach. You asked to be presented with new and effective methods and techniques that will allow you can deepen your direct personal experience with yoga’s philosophy while still engaged in a physical practice that has all the qualities you love and maybe some of the qualities that you miss. You asked to move, and to explore, and to work, to find ease, and to learn. That’s what these classes aim to deliver. Friday, 1/3/20 4:15pm-5:30pm $25