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4-Week November Beginners Yoga Series W/ Rhonda Skloff

Sessions will be: November: 11/14, 21, 28 & 12/5

The Beginners Yoga Series was developed for people who are new to yoga, coming back to yoga or simply wanting to get back to the basics in a safe and welcoming environment.

Each class is designed to build upon each other leading up to a full flow and allowing you to feel confident joining a public yoga class. In this 4 week series you will be introduced to the core poses that make up a Vinyasa (flow) Yoga class.

Instructor and creator, Rhonda Skloff will break down each pose so that you will understand correct alignment and modifications for your own body and the importance of linking breath to movement. Most importantly, you will begin to learn the tools to quiet your mind, to find balance and to stay in the present moment. You will find after you step off your mat and your practice is finished, the yoga remains with you.

Do: Give yourself the gift of yoga; it will change your life. Don’t: eat within 2 hours before class, bring cell phone. Bring: yoga mat, towel, water bottle and a sense of adventure.

Tuition: $85 per student per 4 week series

$25 drop in if space allows


BEGINNERS WORKSHOP is Tuesdays, 6-7:15pm

November: 11/14, 21, 28 & 12/5



About Rhonda: Rhonda is a RYT 500 through the training of two master teachers; Jacqui Bonwell of Sacred Seeds Yoga School (200 hours) and Natasha Rizopoulos of Down Under School of Yoga (300 hours). The influence of these two brilliant teachers has shaped her teaching and allowed her to find her own voice. She began her yoga practice several years ago, but at the time viewed it as an additional form of physical fitness.


Rhonda was a fitness professional, cycling teacher, runner, skier, Power Pilates instructor and personal trainer who once dreamed of being a body builder. “It took me a long time to stay for Shavasana, but once I did, I immediately felt the effects of the practice and my life changed profoundly. Yoga helped me to find balance between strength and ease; between fear and ego and between breath and movement. Yoga allowed me to quiet my very busy mind and learn to enjoy the present moment”. Through certification and study on Yoga and Breast Cancer and the inspiration of a dear friend, Rhonda’s first students were undergoing treatment. She worked with students privately and through workshops she developed. Rhonda enjoys teaching public classes and private sessions and does so with intelligence and compassion. She teaches with attention to proper alignment and emphasizes staying present with breath and focus. Finding balance between Sthirha and Sukha (steadiness and ease) is what she strives for in herself and in her teaching. She learns something new from not only every class and workshop she takes, but from every student she meets.


Rhonda owned, managed and taught at her own studio for 3 ½ years and while doing so developed The Beginners Yoga Series. She plans to continue to bring the series to the public. “My goal is to bring the joy and lasting effects of yoga to as many people as possible; hoping to bring positive change to the world, one yogi at a time”.


Rhonda enjoys biking, skiing, paddle boarding, walking her 2 chocolate labs and spending time with her husband and two sons.