
SUCCESS! Let’s Begin!

What you need to know:

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Reset Your Password

Click HERE to reset your password.

Once you have done that it will say “success” and you can return to the website and book classes! Here is our schedule page

DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT - your email/username will be the same. You will just use the link to create a new password to access your account.


Download The APP!!!

Do this AFTER you have reset your password.

This is the easiest way to book classes!

You can also head to your app store and search “LPY Yoga”

Click Here for Iphones

Click Here for Androids



The Late Cancel/No Show Policy is in effect. The system AUTOMATICALLY deducts a class or charges $15 if you are an unlimited member if you do not cancel out of class at least 3 hour ahead of time. Please try to be super mindful. If you email us within 12 hours we will be able to help once or twice.

Livestream will work like it did before (but remember if you no show you will be charged). You will get a link to your class 20 minutes before the class starts.

The Exciting Stuff:

You will be able to share your class packs with ANYONE! If you have a ten pack you will be able to just enter the email of the person you want to bring and they will be signed up! It will be an easy and FUN process!

If you are an annual or auto renew member your “1 pass a month free for a friend” will be on your account and you can bring them whenever you want. You won’t need to email! Your 10% off retail and workshops will apply automatically in your cart!

We are still requesting that you pre register for all classes! BUT - you can now also add on water, towel, mat and yogitoe rentals from your app or computer!

The Questions & Details:

Yes - All of your ACTIVE class packs/memberships will transfer with your account. If something is expired it will no longer show up on your account. Additionally your past purchases will not be available. If you need a record of that go ahead and email us.

Your exact visit history will not be available but how many classes you have attended in the past will come over with the transfer.

Your billing information will all transfer over as well. No need to update unless we contact you.

Yes, your gift cards will still be useable. No worries.

All the reservations you have already made will transfer over up until July 10th. Any reservations made after that day will need to be rebooked.

The late cancel/no show policy is in effect still - this is important because this system AUTOMATICALLY charges you now - so there won’t be any exceptions.

Our website will look a little different but it should feel easier to sign up for classes & use. These changes will happen on and after the 29th. Please email us with any questions you might have!


The fastest way to get ahold of us is through email!