
Small Group Yoga Classes

Practice with your favorite teacher in a small group, safe setting!


Elevate Your Experience Small Group Options

We understand that everyone has different needs at this time. These offerings give you even more peace of mind, flexibility and personalization.

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Small Group Series - How It Works

5 Weeks - You sign up for a series that is hosted the same day and time each week.

6 People - Classes are capped and they will be the same people each time.

Full Focus - Teacher will not be teaching to online community. Only to your group.

14ft apart - behind our custom studio barriers. Masks are required by the state as of 12/12. If we roll into a new phase we will be able to remove masks at 14ft apart but until then masks on for practice.

$150/series (annual & yoga and barre passholders receive 10% discount)

Available Series (we will add more as these fill):