
Your Organization - Our Virtual Classes!

Yoga, Kids Yoga, Barre & Meditation - All Virtual

If you are a leader of an organization and would like to offer your group a FREE class we would love to hear from you!


What To Expect In Our Virtual Yoga Classes

A vinyasa based class that has elements of flowing, breathing and functional movement. People find themselves drawn to the hard work, emphasis on breathing and steady pace to help focus their mind.


What To Expect In Our Virtual Barre Classes

Attention to functional alignment, small precise movements and focus on one set of muscle groups at a time make it the most efficient and results oriented workout. Accessible to all fitness levels & set to upbeat music!


What To Expect In Our Virtual Meditations

5 to 25 minute meditations geared at your needs. Productivity, relaxation - you name it.

No Props necessary for any virtual class

I have to say this past month I have tried other studios and you guys are doing an outstanding job with these online classes! You have all the technicalities figured out (that other places haven’t) and every class I had taken was awesome!
— Cristina

How It Works

  1. You are the head/hr/organizer of an organization that is 20 or more people (Min attendance is 10 people per event)

  2. Fill out this form and let us know when you would like to have your class!

  3. We send you a link for you to blast out to your group and they sign up through us.

  4. 15 minutes before class we send a link to the livestream to all registered participants and we have an awesome time!

Please note: If you are from a large corporation and would like to offer a class of each kind let us know and we can discuss.


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